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Tracasa Instrumental, S.L.

Tracasa Instrumental is a company of the Government of Navarra, created with the aim of promoting development in technology and innovation in the region. With a turnover exceeding 10 million euros and a workforce of more than 300 highly qualified employees, Tracasa Instrumental contributes significantly to the modernisation of the Navarra businesses.

We provide services based on the use of the Spatial Information and Information Technologies and Telecommunications. Our main fields of activity are: solutions for the modernisation of administration, GIS, Cartographic and Territorial management services, Debt management service, Information services (call centre) and Data processing.

CPEN participation: 100%
C/ Cabárceno, 6
31621 Sarriguren (Navarra)
Tlf.: 948 194 888 · Fax: 948 194 892