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Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Navarra, S.L.

Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Navarra S.L. (CEIN, SL) (European Centre of Companies and Innovation of Navarra) is a non-profit public company, dependent of the Vice-presidency of Economic Development of the Government of Navarra whose aim is to promote the economic development of Navarra through the encouragement of entrepreneurship and support to the creation of new businesses.

CPEN participation: 100%
Pol. Ind. Mocholi
Plaza CEIN 5. 31110 Noáin (Navarra)
Tlf.: 848 426 000. Fax: 848 426 010

CEIN Pamplona: Calle Leyre, 20. 31002 Pamplona (Navarra)
Telf.: 848 430 03

@ceinnavarra | LinkedIn